4 Tips For Brand Ambassadors Who Have Just Been Sponsored

There is plenty of advice floating around the internet on how to become an influencer, but there is little guidance on how to protect yourself and sustain your success once you get #sponsored. 

Whether you are a social celebrity, Youtuber, Instagrammer, vLogger, brand ambassador, or other social media content creator, the Lomnitzer Law team can help you manage and grow your income while protecting your most valuable asset — your reputation. Below are four tips to get things started. 

1. Brands Are Buying Your Credibility 

As an influencer, the most valuable asset you own is your credibility. When a brand sponsors you, they are buying your ability to connect with your audience, regardless of its size. You must choose which companies you will engage with wisely so you do not tarnish your image and you don’t get sued. 

Once you have agreed to work with a particular brand, you should ensure you are getting as much value from the transaction as they are. Too many influencers act like brands are doing them a favor by sending them “free” products or paying them for an endorsement. It is important to remember that you and the brand are entering into a business agreement. You are not some sort of VIP customer, you too are a business. 

The Lomnitzer Law team can help you evaluate contracts and deals you are offered to ensure you are being treated fairly, and are not being taken advantage of. 

2. Run Your Business Like A Business 

If you are going to be entering into business agreements, it can be helpful to set up an actual business for legal and tax purposes. If you need help deciding if setting up a business is the right thing to do, or are confused about what paperwork you need to file, the Lomnitzer Law team is here for you. We have years of experience advising entrepreneurs, start-ups, and businesses of all sizes

3. Ensuring Compliance With State & Federal Advertising Laws 

The Federal Trade Commission and state lawmakers continue to change the rules for online marketing. What was lawful yesterday might get you into trouble today. 

Telling the truth about a product, and disclosing that a post or endorsement was sponsored, are just the tip of the iceberg. Our experienced attorneys can help keep you on the right side of the law while still preserving your reputation and building your income streams.

4. Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help

Influencer marketing is a rapidly growing industry, and regulators are working just as fast to regulate the industry. As the law in this area changes, influencers need to be cautious. Big brands have teams of lawyers to protect them, and consumer protection is the main focus of the government’s regulations. That leaves influencers as the only ones working without a safety net. The Lomnitzer Law team advises influencers who have questions about the contracts they are being asked to sign and the laws they are required to comply with. If you need help, we are here for you. 

Powerful Representation For Your Creation 

The Lomnitzer Law Firm, P.A., is South Florida’s premier intellectual property, business, and entertainment legal practice. As online marketing has grown in popularity, our team has raced to stay ahead of the regulatory curve. We work to empower influencers while helping them stay out of legal trouble and monetizing their platform. 

If you are being approached by brands who want you to start making #sponsored posts, or are already doing so, we can help protect you and your reputation. Please contact us today to schedule an initial consultation.