Trademark Litigation

Potential Damages If You Win a Trademark Case Against an Infringer

If you are a registered trademark holder, and an unknowing or unscrupulous person devises a similar one or decides to copy your mark, it can be devastating to your profits and reputation. You can ask your intellectual property lawyer to...
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Steps to Take After Being Served a Copyright or Trademark Cease and Desist Letter

If you create unique, artistic content, or you have a slogan or logo that identifies your products to the public, you know the value of copyright and trademark protection. You also probably know that if you receive a cease-and-desist letter,...
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What is the Lanham Act on Unfair Competition?

Outperforming the competition has always been the goal of American businesses, but using unfair tactics to infringe on and harm your competitor is prohibited. Much of this is spelled out in the Lanham Act, which was signed into law by...
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U.S. Court of Appeals Addresses Contributory Trademark Infringement

The prohibitions around trademark infringement, and the penalties for these violations, are codified in the federal trademark statute known as the Lanham Act. This Act also prohibits an individual or entity from providing products to a third party if they...
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Trademark Infringement in Domain Names

Protecting your company’s image and reputation in the marketplace is a vital part of doing business. In today’s connected world, a crucial part of this process involves having a functional and identifiable website. The domain name of this website can...
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Trademarking a Sound Is a Sound Business Strategy

The MGM®  lion’s roar. The iconic “dun-dun” in episodes of Law & Order. The marimba ringtone that comes as the default ringtone on iPhones. There are certain sounds you can hear in your head just by reading a written description...
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USPTO Rushing To Implement The Trademark Modernization Act

As part of the December 2020 COVID-19 relief bill/appropriations act, Congress made significant changes to the law governing trademarks. The new provisions are scheduled to go into effect by December 27, 2021, so the United States Patent and Trademark Office...
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Is The Rose Bowl Still The Rose Bowl If It Is Not Held In The Rose Bowl?

Before the pandemic hit, could anyone imagine the Rose Bowl being hosted anywhere other than Pasadena? Trademark litigation between the city and the Tournament of Roses Association suggests the people and organizations responsible for the long-standing New Year’s Day tradition...
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A U.S. Trademark Application Requires a U.S. Attorney

What’s New? As of August 3rd, 2019 all foreign-domiciled trademark applicants, registrants and parties to Trademark Trial and Appeal Board proceedings - yes Canada this includes you with limited exceptions - will be required to be represented by an attorney...
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Federal Trademark Protection for Hemp Derived Cannabis Products Now a Possibility

2018 Farm Bill and its Impact on Trademark Law Although marijuana has become legal in many states, either medical and/or recreational, it is still illegal under federal law. According to case law and the rules of the United States Patent...
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